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Home » 2015 » July » 1 » What Is Marketing Analysis
9:50 AM
What Is Marketing Analysis

Market analysis is a penganalisasisan or organizing to study various market issues. The market analysis will be related to the location of the market, the extent of the market, its market and market characteristics. The success of the company's business may be determined by the accuracy of marketing strategies in basic memeperhatikan terapkannya with the circumstances of its market analysis.

Mengnalisis in the market, companies need to review the type of product market, motive and behavior, segmenp [asatr and determinants target market. Issues that need to be analyzed in the market is the magnitude of the market, the scope of the market, market structure, market share, as well as peliuang-market opportunities. About magnitude can be determined by market supply and demand for goods or services that are in need of the consumer. As for the scope of the market, usually covering the breadth of the market, for instance by geographic market area, the education of consumers, professional customers, the level of the consumer age, and so forth.

The market structure is the arrangement of a force that is contained in the seller, or the buyer himself. The market analysis is always a matter of location (location) market, advertising, market breadth, market characteristics, and characteristics of the market.

Market analysis purposes, namely:

  • Know the market environment,
  • Know the types of markets,
  • Knowing the characteristics of the market,
  • Determine the right decision,
  • Faced with competitors,
  • Implement a policy in marketing,
  • Make a program in the field of marketing, and
  • Know the characteristics of the market.

The issues in the scope of market analysis, among others, namely:

  • Goods and services marketed

Goods and services produced by the company, based on market analysis, namely:

  • the type and nature of the goods,
  • the quantity and quality of the goods,
  • color and size of the goods,
  • design and model of goods,
  • brand and price of goods,
  • goods industry and consumption.

Objective analysis

Purpose conduct a market analysis is to know anyone who wears, use of goods and services, whether the goods are for their own consumption or resale.

Location of markets, the nature and characteristics of the market
A marketing manager must be aware of where the market, following the nature and characteristics of which will be headed. In this case, in order to facilitate managers to implement the target market, market strategy and market segmentation.

Organization of purchase

A marketing manager must find out who is buying the goods, who is using the goods, who is the most influential in the purchase of goods and so forth.

Activity purchases

In purchasing activities, including purchases of saiap done, where the purchase of goods is done, when purchasing goods is done, how much Baranga, how many items are purchased, how the requirements in dalamn purchase of goods, and how to purchase.

Development of purchase

The preformance analysis of the market, companies need to know how the price changes of goods, how persedianya goods, how persainganya circumstances, how the state of demand and supply.

Rival companies

In the analysis of the market, companies need to know the state persainganya, whether there did or did tindakanb surprisingly unhealthy competition.

In fact if the results of the products are not in accordance with the wishes and needs of the consumer, it means that the companies concerned have failed in the attempt. Goods in hasilakn by the company, whether or not beneficial and serves dim determined and decided by the consumer or the buyer. Success or failure of the goods made by the company, determined by assessment of the consumer or the buyer memebutuhkannya.

An item no matter how helpful or useful, there may not be purchased if the item tifak known by consumers. Hence companies should quickly promote goods on him in order to influence consumers, and in order to create demand. Based on the analysis mrnggiatkan sale of goods, the best way to introduce the goods that are made by the company is through the promotion and implementation at the start through advertising, advertising can be done through newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, etc. pamerandan. By intensifying sale goods through promotion, expected the company concerned can increase sales price, and can increase the turnover penjualanya.

Profit companies carrying out analyzes in order to intensify the sale of the goods is as follows:

  • The company will be able to increase sales turnover of goods.
  • The company will gain advantages in harapkanya.
  • Companies can increase production.
  • The efficiency of the company's capital can be increased.
  • Receivables company can shorten the time.
  • Goods companies concerned would be famous.
  • The production of the company concerned consumers really enjoy doing.

The company will maintain its survival.

The frequency of the consumer or the buyer in the purchase of an item marked by frequent absence of buying goods and depending on the level of consumption of goods tersebut.sedangkan factors that can affect the level of consumption in the purchase of goods are:

  • Consumer age factor,
  • Factors consumer education,
  • Factors consumer tastes,
  • Factor income consumers,
  • Consumer religious factors,
  • Factors consumer culture,
  • Factor number of families,
  • Seasonal factors.
Category: Marketing | Views: 351 | Added by: mrblue | Tags: what is marketing analysis | Rating: 0.0/0
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