Fundraising Online with - The title of this article is part of the work done admin-Medina family, to be part of the people who helped disseminate the program through online fundraising website, because this event has become one of the best programs Indonesian social category created by the Organization of Zakat Institution Wallet Dhuafa. Not long ago I had to review the article with the title When Rizki Allah Infinite, then bertaqwalah !! with the aim to change the way the human worship to God, which is almost understood by everyone that Rizki obtained is due to efforts and forget about the power of God when giving Rizki to humans.
Why should Alms and Mutual Help:
Not your faces towards the east and west it a virtue, but the real virtue is faith in God and the Last Day, the angels, the books of the prophets and gives his beloved possessions to relatives, orphans, people -the poor, the traveler (who require assistance) and those who beg; and (liberating) bondsmen, establish regular prayer, and practice regular charity; and those who kept his word when he promised, and those who wait in the narrow, suffering and in war. They are the people who are true (faith); and they are the ones who fear Allah. "Surah Al-Baqoroh 177.
Through this verse we should be well aware that the real virtue is when we can give a loved treasure to ",,, orphans, the poor, the traveler (who require assistance) and those who beg; ,,,, ". Then in the month of Shawwal 1433 H is defined in an increase in charity, we raced charity helping our brothers and sisters who need through the website.