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Home » 2015 » June » 19 » Savings And Loans
10:35 AM
Savings And Loans

Credit unions are managed the same way with the cooperative in general just that there are several different technical sections. The basic concept used in cooperative must be understood first by the board fahulu you can see the post about the management of the cooperative to learn more about the basic concept of cooperative management.

Management of Credit Unions

In general, the scope of business activities of credit unions is the collection and distribution of funds berbetuk lending mainly riding and for members. At perkembanganya indeed credit unions serve not only members but also the wider community.

The activities of the liabilities side. Credit unions from the aspect of funding liabilities conducting either of members or the general public. This accumulation can be a form of savings or deposits from the public can be shaped sedangan capital loans.

The business activities of the aspects of the assets of the cooperative effort simpasn borrow or KSP and usp to earn profits by allocating the results from the accumulation disalukan to members in the form of pijaman. Furthermore, if in kerucupkan the activities cooperatives could pinjma in detail as follows.

Credit unions demanded to serve the storage and withdrawals by members in accordance with the terms and agreements.
Credit unions also distribute funds collected to the members of the future will be received back gradually.

Both of the above activities must be managed in such a way that the collection and distribution in balance. So how practices in the management of a credit union? in this case you will be faced with two cases that detail activities of the cash inflows and outflows.
Fund Raising Credit Unions

To be able to run their business credit unions have to do fundraising. Dana2 can be money in the category of debt or equity or net worth. If seen kind of source of funds, the funds come from savings in the form of debt later time deposits or loans received credit unions sednagkan sourced from sneezing wealth which comes from a source member and a compulsory savings deposits sukerela, general reserves and sehu in the current year.

Of the overall resources of the fund, the main funding sources are deposits, so it should be given a more in-depth explanation of the deposits. According to PP 9 1995 deposits are funds entrusted by its members, prospective members, or members of other cooperatives and to KSP / USP in the form of savings and cooperative savings deposits. Definition of deposits as stated in this regulation is a deposit which is payable for KSP / USP, in the meantime there are other types of savings of members who constitute the net worth for KSP / USP, namely the principal savings and mandatory savings (for KSP). Discussion on deposits below, include deposits which is the net worth, the principal savings and mandatory savings and deposits that are payable, ie savings and time deposits.
Type Savings Credit Unions

1) Principal (KSP)

Principal is the same amount of money or the same number and the value to be paid by the member to the cooperative at the time of entry into a member. Principal savings can not be taken during the relevant become a member.

2) Mandatory Savings (KSP)

Compulsory savings deposits is a certain amount that is not necessarily the same, shall be paid by members, the cooperative in a certain time and opportunity. Deposits shall not be taken as long as members.

3) Savings Cooperative

Savings deposits in the cooperative is a cooperative whose remission is done gradually and only be withdrawn by the member concerned or their proxies using Cooperative Savings Book at any time on weekdays Cooperative.

Factors that must be considered by KSP / USP for members interested in the cooperative store include:
Security funds, in a sense can be withdrawn by the owner in accordance with the agreement.

Generate added value in the form of deposit or other incentives and received by members in accordance with the agreement.
That saving on KSP / USP is a form of participation of members in his capacity as users of services, and therefore members feel more privileged position compared to saving money elsewhere. Privileged members include for example because it receives operating results at the end of the book, participate decision-making cooperatives and others.

The provisions relating to 'savings can include:

Deposits and withdrawals can be made at any time on weekdays;
The first minimum deposit amount (when opening savings) and the subsequent minimum deposit;

The amount of the minimum balance that must exist in savings;
Deposit can be done by anyone, not necessarily the owner of the savings;
Making savings can only be done by the owner of a given savings or power;
In return, KSP / USP provide interest savings to storage;
Savings rate is computed using certain methods eg daily average balances, the smallest balance or the other;
Interest payments made each month end by adding to the balance of savings;
The party responsible for calculating interest is the bookkeeper.

4) Time Deposits Cooperative

Time deposits are deposits on cooperative cooperative that remittance is done one time for a certain period in accordance with the agreement between the depositor and the cooperative in question and should not be taken before that period expires.
The provisions relating to time deposits can include:

  • Prospective storage on first time deposits required to be savers.
  • Minimal deposit amount.
  • In return, deposit will earn interest over the term of the time deposit:
  • Time deposit interest payments made each month end by adding to the savings balance.

We will continue the discussion of management of credit unions in the second post. Wait for the continued discussion ya savings and credit cooperatives.

Category: Loans | Views: 372 | Added by: mrblue | Tags: savings and loans | Rating: 0.0/0
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